
The joy of gving and receiving

Yesterday, I led a dharma talk (a Buddhist phrase for spiritual discussion) at the Gay Buddhist Fellowship, in San Francisco, at their regular Sunday meeting. Over the course of the last two weeks, I had spent a several hours thinking about the topic (which I will discuss in a future post) and framing the discussion, so I felt prepared for and relaxed at yesterday's meeting. More than anything, my intention was to speak from the heart: I told stories that were less theoretical and more based on my own experience and observations. Rather than me talking for the 45 minutes of time allotted, I spoke only for 15 minutes and then facilitated small and large group discussions for the most of the time. I wanted to listen and learn from the group.

The session went well, with everyone participating, having a lot to share and wanting to be seen. In fact, because the group got so spirited during the breakout groups, the sangha leader had to ask everyone to keep their voices down. I had several friends there, so I felt well supported and, afterwords, enjoyed going to lunch with two of them.

In short, this Sunday experience reminds me of the joy of sharing from the heart, listening, learning, and being seen. The power in both the giving and the receiving. Everyone participates and benefits. It is a lot of fun, too.

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