
The spark to want to become a known donor

A few years ago, I was asked by a close single straight friend of mine to become a known donor for her. I thought about it for a month but declined because I felt, given our closeness, I would end becoming her co-parent in the end. That was more responsibility I could handle at the time, since Jason was going through a very bad time at both home and school, I was busy establishing my new consulting business, and I was in the middle of intense relationship with Byron. Co-incidently, this boyfriend had helped conceive four lovely children, as a known sperm donor, through the unique Rainbow Flag sperm bank in Alameda, which used to match gay known donors with prospective lesbian moms who wanted their kids to have an ongoing relationship with the donor. I didn't do anything more about this at the time, but it got me thinking that I could and would like to become a known donor like Byron...

About a year later, things had calmed down in my life, so I contacted Rainbow Flag, but they weren't taking on new known donors on since the founder was having health problems. He suggested that I contact a pioneering lesbian-owned sperm bank, PRS, in San Francisco, to test my fertility. My tests scores turned to be very good, with high overall count and motility, so I was encouraged. Also, like Byron, I decided I wanted to do this with the right lesbian couple because while wanting me in their child's life, they would have appropriate boundaries as the primary parents, but be completely comfortable with my gayness.

I was remembering all of this last night while having dinner with my female friend, listening to the latest twists and turns in her long fertility journey. She's a lovely person, and I am glad she asked me to be her donor because it awakened in me a long-held desire to become involved in helping to conceive a child. But doing so in a way that is more appropriate for me and my life. I am grateful for that, and am committed to doing my best to put myself out there as a known donor for the right lesbian family.

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