
We lost tonight in Maine but we will win

Right now, part of me is seething in anger at the conservatives, "Christian" church-goers, and older people who voted against marriage equality in Maine. Like a wronged teenage boy, this part of me wants to yell at them, scold them with the U.S. Constitution and Bible, and take away their marriages and rights to show them how we feel tonight. My heart tightens when I think about the thousands of Maine LGBT families that will be affected by this election, with some children going to bed tonight worried that they may be taken away from their parents (as happened in CA, with my gay friends' adopted kids, after Prop.8 passed). The thought of this makes me SO FRICKING MAD I can barely stand it...

...yet I will stand it and pause. Because a larger part of me is serene and resolute, like Nelson Mandela was when he imprisoned, and apartheid seemed permanent and impenetrable to most of the world. But like us, he knew his moment would come -- maybe in 2 years or 20 -- because he stood for justice, which is code for LOVE. It is that simple. And Love is ultimately stronger than fear, no matter how dark the clouds seem at the time. Above it all, Love is shining bright, clear and powerful...and more than willing to warm us, when we are ready. Our day will come, sooner than we can imagine on this long night. This I know.

1 comment:

  1. Anger is also important and key to the fight - and has its rightful place.

    I keep coming back to Bishop Spong's recent manifesto, URL is below.

    There are intractable religious elements that will never be convinced. The only response then is strength and focus on one's innate value - which can be a challenge for members of our community as we've been continually marginalized, often by our own families, which is culture's ultimate foundation (or should be). And once you have / know your value - you have absolutely everything. Thanks for posting.

    URL: http://walkingwithintegrity.blogspot.com/2009/10/manifesto-from-our-friend-bishop-john.html
