
My friend encourages LGBT people to stand tall and stop giving away their power to the forces of fear

Read this thoughtful and muscular response from another spiritual brother, Daniel Foster, to my Tuesday night posting about our loss in Maine:

Anger is also important and key to the fight - and has its rightful place.

I keep coming back to Bishop Spong's recent manifesto. Read it here.

There are intractable religious elements that will never be convinced. The only response then is strength and focus on one's innate value - which can be a challenge for members of our community as we've been continually marginalized, often by our own families, which is culture's ultimate foundation (or should be). And once you have / know your value - you have absolutely everything.

Hear! Hear! Like Daniel and Bishop Spong, I am tired of tip-toeing around crazy bigots, being nice, and politely responding to their crazy accusations. No more. Daniel is talking about channeling our anger to be used in a constructive way: to take right action and speak the truth in a non-apologetic way.

Just as this Dabble Post blog post states, it is time for us to take the initiative, set the terms for the narrative on this debate, and respond strong and truthfully to the Right's outlandish lies and fear tactics. And take one more step: go on the offensive and battle gay marriage opponents on their own ground, before they inevitably attack us. As any good coach knows, the best defense is often a good offense. It is time to stand tall and not give away our power or rights to anyone. Placating crazy people never works; a firm "no" is the most appropriate and compassionate response.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for re-posting Joe. One of my main challenges is - what do I do with all my anger? Last night I wrote a personal letter to Joel Osteen, the pastor who termed homosexuality as "not God's best." I believe it was a good letter and will repost here when I get time later today.

    As a "Christian" leader - he takes a wholly ignorant and irresponsible step in his proclamation - especially when gay teens have up to nine times the suicide rate as their straight peers, and four times the depression rate, which often lasts into adulthood.

    Um, perhaps statements like his contribute to those dire stats? Along with hate crimes?

    Where is the archive section on your blog? Can't find it. Thanks.

