
Giving thanks on this special day

About nine years ago, I was thoroughly depressed and angry after my start-up companies failed and I was left with nothing financially, in spite of my efforts. In order to help heal myself and get through those times, I started saying a prayer of thanks for three things at the end of every day. Gratitude works from my experience. Since today is all about giving thanks, I am going to up the ante, giving three times my normal thanks. So here goes:

1. Thankful to be alive and embodied as a human being, capable of giving and receiving love, and being a powerful being who is capable of co-creating this "movie" of life as I go along.
2. Thankful for the people in my life for unconditionally seeing and accepting me, including my family (including Jason), long-time friends, and new/renewed friends like Phil, Barry, Richard, ChangFu,and Mut. These beings make all the difference.
3. Thankful to the wonderful new women in my life and the special projects we are working on together.
4. Thankful for my spiritual practice, teachers, fellow students and Zen Buddhist tradition.
5. Thankful for being healthy, strong, and being physically vital in this garden of earthly delights
6. Thankful for the meaningful work I do in being of use to others and doing this with a wonderful and high-minded business partner.
7. Thankful for all the love I inherited from my ancestors who had the generosity and courage to love me completely.
8. Thankful for having a President who believes in the power of love and the dignity of all people, despite his human errors and mistakes.
9. Thankful for San Francisco, my home, and for dark chocolate and the daily grace and pleasure it brings to my life.

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