
Supreme Court Scalia: an intellect in service to condoning discrimination, not to providing justice

It is sad that this Supreme Court Justice misuses his keen intellect to argue for a fundamentalist interpretation of the Constitution, called "originalism", and against the civil rights for gay Americans. His malice and prejudice against gay people blinds him in dispensing justice. Here is his latest shot at LGBT people, in a lecture at Ohio State University this week:

“My burden is not to show that originalism is perfect but to show that it beats the other available alternatives. Did any provision of the Constitution guarantee a right to abortion? No one thought so for almost two centuries after the founding. Did any provision in the Constitution guarantee a right to homosexual sodomy? Same answer.”

Clearly, intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing. Like anyone who divides humanity (versus unites them), including those past justices who sanctioned slavery, segregation and other forms of discrimination, he will not be remembered as a great justice, just a mean-spirited one.

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