
A lesson in loving on this Christmas Day

About 10 years ago, I was feeling sorry for myself one Christmas because I didn't have a boyfriend at the time and it seemed that everyone else in my life had a partner. What a difference a decade makes, not necessarily in terms of my circumstances, but in my mindset. While I don't have a boyfriend right now, I am happy and grateful for my life as it is.

Maybe the biggest lesson I've learned in these 10 years is that the trick to feeling love is to give and receive it broadly, to/from nearly everyone in my life, not just from one "special" person. To be loving when I deal with work colleagues, relatives, service people, and folks at the fringes of my life. And I now see the process as its own reward, not as a means to get something in return.

In my experience, the more genuinely loving that we are, the love likely we are to receive it from others, including someone who might make a great partner. In short, the only way to receive love is to give it unconditionally. I am much happier today than I was 10 years, with deeper and more satisfying relationships in all areas of my life.

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