
Former Republican Chair, Ken Mehlman, comes out, and my ambivalent reaction to this news

I have really mixed emotions about Ken's coming out. (Andy Towle reports on Ken's announcement.) On one hand, I am pissed that he has condoned the anti-gay antics of his party over many years. For example, he helped put dogmatic Supreme Court justices on the bench who continue to deny us our constitutionally-guaranteed civil rights. Ken now enjoys the growing legal protections and social acceptance that I have spent 30 years fighting for. He wants us to have compassion and understanding for him, when he had very little for us and our political allies. (This is hard!)

And on the other hand, his coming out is a good thing for our society and the movement for full LGBT equality. This helps recasts our cause as a human rights struggle, not a partisan issue (GOP vs. Democrat). Ken may be able to bring his political and financial resources to bear in helping to overturn Prop 8, DOMA, and DADT. And it sends a message to Republican voters that queers are everywhere, so get used it.

Part of me is mad at Ken, like many LGBT activists are. While he has his millions and connections (gained by practicing the dark political arts for conservative causes), I have my self-respect and pride in being myself and being part of this movement for equality. But by being closeted and living a lie, Ken has already suffered greatly from his own shame. In time, I might forgive him, but will not forget what he has done. But to redeem himself, he needs to do the work, unselfishly using his resources and skills to advance our cause. Now is the time to show us, Ken, by your deeds that you care as much about our movement as you do about your own fame and bank account.

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