
Andrew Sullivan: The GOP does not have one once of contrition for creating this economic mess. Obama should learn from David Cameron

Andrew Sullivan argues that Obama should lay our economic debacle clearly on its creators: the "cut taxes and spend" Republicans of the George W era. The Conservative Party is following this strategy as it makes deep cuts to its fiscal budgets:

Now, the Tories have only just gotten into office, while Obama has had a year and a half to be accountable. But they are doing what Obama should, in my view, have done from the start: relentlessly remind people of what the GOP did to this country. Obama allowed the hacks on the right to pivot immediately to pinning the entire deficit and debt on Obama - and, amplified by the FNC, they have somehow managed to turn the debate back into the exhausted big-government vs little-guy choice - rather than debating exactly what, if anything, we can do to rescue ourselves from the Bush-Cheney hangover.

Here's an alternative approach - aggressively blaming even future bleakness on the GOP, matching their refusal to take any responsibility for the worst period of governance in modern times with a no-holds-barred assault on their brand. It will soon be time for Obama to go on the offensive against these nihilists and amnesiacs and to remind people of the difference between the arsonist and the fire-fighter.

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