
Shameful! The neocons can't admit that they cooked the books on the evidence of WMDs in Iraq or that the Iraq war was mistake. Well, I can admit that I naive and wrong...

Condi, Cheney, Rumsfled, and George W. don't have a shred of integrity enough to admit they skewed the evidence of the Iraqis having WMDs to justify their neo-con strategy to invade Iraq and to a create an Arab 'democracy' in the Middle East. They try to spin history rather than take responsibility for their lies, foolishness, arrogance, cost to America ($2 trillion) and the lives lost of over 125,000 Iraqi, Americans and others.

I believed Colin Powell when he testified before the UN in 2003, showing manipulated evidence of WMDs; but I was woefully mistaken, and promise not to be so naive about my government's willingness to lie -- whether they be Republicans or Democrats -- to me and the world again. In contrast, the GOP and neocons cannot admit that they made a mistake -- in the same way they never apologized for the Vietnam War, Watergate, Contragate, their refusal to deal with AIDS for years, and their longtime opposition to the basic rights of gays, women, Latinos, and African-Americans.

Honest Abe is rolling over in his grave...

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