
Two smart ways to learn more about today's Supreme Court hearing on Prop 8

Listen to the hearing yourself, which is challenging at times because our opponents and Justice Scalia try to deny our fundamental rights and basic humanity:

And read Ari Ezra Waldman's super smart and considered analysis of what happened today.  Here is one of my favorite quotes from Ari:

Hollingsworth may, therefore, end Prop 8, either on standing or the merits. Either way, everything about today's argument suggests that Mr. Cooper's conclusion is wrong. No one should have the right to vote on the legitimacy of my love. And no one has the right to hand me my rights like beneficences from a king. That is why the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER) and its attorneys, Ted Olson and David Boies, took us to the Supreme Court. Today, our lawyers made us proud by revealing the basic infermity of Prop 8: it singles out gays, discriminates against them, and it does so for no reason. 

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