
This is the triumph of democracy over terrorism; the ideals of Obama over Osama's; love over fear

As a follower of the Buddhist way, I can not garner joy from the death of anyone even people who do things as evil as Osama or Hitler. It is just not in me.

On this occasion, I celebrate life and, in this case, the triumph of democracy over terrorism on two levels. First, President Obama kept his eye on the prize in going after Osama where the Bush administration long had lost its way, constantly changed the reasons for starting the Iraq War. Sometimes, Obama may be too cautious in his approaches to problems, but overall he is well-informed and takes educated gambles with his power. I respect this.

Second, the widespread embrace of the democracy movement in the Middle East, starting with Iran in 2009, shows the innate urge of people wanting to be free and govern themselves, create a better lives for themselves and their families, and say no to corruption and the abuse of civil liberties. President Obama talked about this in his famous Cairo speech. People are willing to sacrifice their lives for this movement of love, standing before tanks and marching. The idea of democracy is life-affirming and it trumps Osama's model of terrorism and fear, anyday. The power of human rights, in the broadest sense.

For this I am grateful.

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