
"Distort, Attack, Repeat": Check out Rolling Stone's profile of the master propagandist, Roger Ailes

Read this insightful expose of Fox News and Roger Ailes. I don't mind political commentary on TV; I just object to biased political reporting pretending to be objective news.

I have a lot of problems with MSNBC but for the most part they don't try to hide their biases or pass themselves off a neutral news source. (BTW, MSNBC's catch a predator shows are some of the most questionable and tasteless things on TV.) I don't watch MSNBC much, including Rachel, who I is too polarizing for 60 minutes...too much gotcha.

As for Roger Ailes, he belongs to that pantheon of angry white GOP men who are all about stoking fear and dividing this great country (and enriching themselves while doing it): Pat Buchanan, Rush, Mr. Beck, Rick Santorum, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Bill O'Reilly, etc. They may be wealthy and powerful, but at the end of the day, most fair minded people (and history) will not judge them to be great men. And for me, that's what counts.

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