
My quote of the day

It takes an act of grace to wish someone well with whom you do not agree. 
--Joe Rodriguez

Over the last few years, I have had spirited twitter exchanges with Thomas Peters, the social media coordinator for the National Organization for Marriage as well as the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Often, I have found his blog posts to be intolerant and homophobic with little understanding for the everyday struggles and suffering of gay people. His orthodox Catholic views come off as smug and self-righteous (his dad, Ed Peters, is a big time canon lawyer for the church and a conservative Catholic).

So I felt a jumble of emotions this week when I found that he had been in a serious accident that damaged his neck.  I was sad that one of our main opponents was stricken in this way, a man who recently married and is in his 20s.  Another part was angry at his lack of empathy for me and my reactivity to that.  And yet another part was disappointed to be losing this adversary and debating partner-- at least for the time being.

But as I sat with my feelings later, I was struck that it often seems some people that come into our lives to play opposite roles to ours, giving us the chance to be bigger, more loving people.  And in each moment, we can choose love over fear.  That's the persistent existential choice we face in this lifetime.

On a Catholic blogger's page about Mr.Peter's accident, I have watched LGBT and anti-same sex marriage activists trade harsh and angry words.  But as the Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson reminds us, while we are entitled to our anger, to behave like the least of our detractors makes us just like them. In short, losing our love (and compassion) to try to win a political debate is pure spiritual folly.  

So I am praying for Thomas Peters' recovery -- not just for his injured neck, but to recover his God-given compassion which was dormant.  And I am praying for myself, to be more loving and forgiving, and to be the best person I can be in this life. 

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