
Why I think this Jason Collins' announcement is as important as the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell

Athletes are some of the idols of our human tribe. But because of the deeply macho and homophobic culture of sports, it has been difficult for gay pro athletes to come out and normalize being gay in locker room.  Jason's size and reputation as an aggressive player will challenge the perceptions of millions of straight men about what it means to be gay, in the same way that seeing openly gay Marines did during the military debate.

And athletes are role models for kids.  Millions of gay teenagers are going to be able to look up to Jason and emulate his pride (in himself), integrity, courage, and achievements.  They are going to be able to say, when times get rough in school, "Things will get better.  I can do it like Jason did." So, he is saving the lives and reducing the suffering of many, many people.

Because Jason told the truth about his God-given sexuality, he and many others will be free to live open and more loving lives.  In the end, love trumps fear.

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