
Happiness: an inside job

Minding your inner landscape is much more important for your state of happiness than mining your external landscape. Rather than seeking external solutions to an internal issue, let’s make our path to happiness an “inside job”. Focusing your attention (i.e. not multitasking) on the task at hand; practicing meditation (non-judgmental presence in the moment); choosing to fully show up in the present, rather than being stuck in past memories or future worries; being in the presence of people you love and who love you — all contribute positively to your state of happiness.

Happiness comes from feeling good (health), doing good (compassionate service) and being good (building awareness, character, and meaningful purpose). Growth in happiness will also be associated with growth in self-worth, self-respect, and self-love. As you find direction through quiet introspection and constructive contribution, you will be appreciated for who you really are, and then happiness will find you.

--William B. Stewart, MD

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