
Words matter: Obama has used the word "gay " 272 times since taking office. Reagan never used the word, even as AIDS ravished our community

From Huffington Post:
The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights group, did some digging and found that President Barack Obama has used "gay" 272 times since taking office in 2009, far more than any of his recent predecessors: Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. 
Only Clinton comes closest to Obama, having used "gay" 216 times during his two terms, says a new report from the advocacy group. 
Of his total, Clinton used the word 46 times regarding gays in the military and 80 times when discussing Matthew Shepard or hate-crime legislation. Shepard was a gay University of Wyoming student who was beaten to death in 1998. His killing raised awareness about anti-gay violence and spurred efforts to enact hate-crimes laws in the U.S. 
Reagan used "gay" in any of their presidential remarks.
Change you believe in.

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