
Contact California Governor Brown today to sign SB48, a bill that would include the accomplishments of LGBT people in high school history textbooks

Recently, the CA legislature passed a bill (the FAIR Education Act - SB48) that would mandate the inclusion of the important historical contributions of gay people in California public high school history text books, just like similar state laws mandate the inclusion of other historically under-represented minorities like women, Blacks, and Hispanics. The governor is getting a lot of heat from the forces of fear (so-called christians, homophobes, and various other types of luddites).

We need to speak up for this bill and let California's kids know that LGBT people play important roles in our society, too

Please contact the Governor and tell him to sign the FAIR Education Act (SB48):

Email: http://gov.ca.gov/m_contact.php

Phone: 1.916.445.2841

Twitter: @jerrybrowngov

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