
My shifting thoughts on Weiner

I have always liked Congressman Weiner's sense of humor and ability to express himself, but haven't know much about him beyond that. So when this scandal broke, I was sympathetic to him given that he hadn't had sex with anybody but was being asked to resign when Republican Senators Ensign (had an adulterous affair) and Vitter (had hired prostitutes) had not.

However, I did not like that he lied to his constituents and the American public nor did I condone the fact that he was tweeting photos of himself to women who did not ask to have an erotic experience or relationship with him. It was inappropriate and not befitting a congressman, in my opinion. And as learned more about Representative Weiner, I was genuinely disappointed to find out that this brash congressman has virtually no legislative record or accomplishments to speak of: most members of Congress think he is media blowhard rather than a committed lawmaker. Ironically, those who live by the (media) sword, often die by it, especially if they live and represent the media capitol of the world, NYC.

Being human is messy and challenging but I think progressive public officials should hold themselves to high standards regardless of what the Republicans do (or don't). And my sympathy goes out to his newly wed and pregnant wife, Huma Abedin, who has to endure all this at a vulnerable time for her.

Like Eliot Spitzer, Weiner might find the roads back to family and public redemption. It won't be easy, but he just might emerge a deeper and more reflective human being who will use his tremendous communications skills for the greater common good. I am betting he will.

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