
Andrew Sullivan on the GOP's birther conspiracy...

I, for one, do not find it odd that a party that can debate the idea that the earth is 6,000 years' old is also capable of believing that a birth certificate is not a birth certificate. The criterion is not empirical evidence but dogged, reactionary hostility to anything libruls believe. We have left the realm of reality and entered the world, previousy exclusively occupied by the pomo-left, of identity as truth. "We are right because we are white" is no different in logic than "we are right because we are black" which is perilously close to where the academic left went in the 1990s. A reader adds:

To sustain belief in the birther conspiracy, one must first believe that Obama's short-form birth certificate, which satisfies State Department requirements for passport issuance, is nevertheless a rare example of undisclosed fraud. Then one must conclude that the Honolulu newspaper announcements of Obama's birth are exceptionally rare examples that actually occurred in a faraway land, which must be particularly uncommon in a remote locale like Hawaii. In order to be a birther, one must have blind faith in the exceedingly improbable.

Read the whole post here.

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