
Pelosi on gay Republican taunting of Barney Frank

From The Advocate:

Nancy Pelosi on gay Republican taunting of Barney Frank: "Oh, but what about them?" she snaps. "He chooses a party that supports his values. They've chosen a party that supports their income — a party that denigrates them and treats them with disrespect."

I agree. Gays supporting Republican candidates is like blacks in the 1950s supporting segregationists or Jews joining the Nazis during their rise to power. While I am not a single issue voter, a candidate's unconditional support of my equality and freedom is a prerequisite for consideration of my vote. I have lots of compassion for the self-loathing and suffering of gay Republicans, but I love myself enough to demand to be respected, honored and welcomed through the front door of any party.

While the Democratic party can be homophobic or timid on gay rights at times, Democrats have introduced and sheparded ALL the major pro-gay legislation in this country. Every single important law and ordinance. (Not once has the GOP taken the lead in introducing laws that support my rights to love.) That's why I am a progressive who votes mostly (but not exclusively) Democratic. I believe in freedom, equality and progress...

P.S. Presidential candidate Fred Karger is one of the few gay Republicans that I respect. He walks his talk, spending nearly a $1 million dollars of his own money campaigning and trying to change the GOP on LGBT issues; other gay Republicans (even went on a blind date with one a few years back without knowing it at first) claim they are trying to change the GOP from the inside but they vote for and give money to GOP candidates without ever directly confronting their party's homophobia. Where's the self-respect and courage in that? Silence = complicity = discrimination

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