
Immigration reform is a nightmare for a party that is 89% white and pursues racist policies and political tactics (e.g. suppressing minority voters)

The new Gallup poll shows that 89% of the GOP is white, which is a HUGE problem in an increasingly diverse country like the U.S.. But the GOP and its media proxies (Fox News, Rush, etc) keep on stoking the red hot coals of racism, for short-term political gains and media ratings.  Good luck with that strategy, boys!

With over 73% of Asians voting for Obama, I have even more bad news for the GOP: Asians are becoming the fast-growing immigrant group, over-taking Latinos.  As an Asian-American friend said to me, "Asian-Americans aren't economically-disadvantaged, but they know that they aren't welcome by the GOP because of their skin color and cultural differences. Besides, we are highly-educated and believe in science, effective social programs, and equal rights for all Americans."  Ouch!

Lastly, immigration reform is going to stir up dissent within the old GOP tea party base, making them uneasy about letting more people into the country who look different from them.  But in order to be a viable political force in the future, the Republicans have no choice.  However, because of the racial animosity of the hardcore GOP/tea-party base, most of these immigrants are likely to vote for Democrats for the next generation or so.  In the long-term, the GOP is going to have to re-invent itself, hopefully, along the lines of Britain's Conservative Party or become irrelevant in national elections. The Reagan Revolution is over and done!

BTW, watch the stirring testimony of this gay Latino "DREAMer", Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Juan Antonio Vargas, testifying in favor of immigration reform, yesterday. Riveting:  

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