
This quote shows how the community organizer's campaign ran circles around the private equity guy

Obama executed quantifiable long-term plans, adaptable short-term planning, an innovative GOTV initiative and plotted better ad strategies, while Romney had the ORCA trainwreck, inaccurate internal polling, poorly informed managers and insufficient fiscal planning (e.g. coffers too low in July to react to the Obama ad blitz seems so minor league!).  Not to mention its upper management was rewarded with bonuses in September, right after the languid convention and the embarrassing European trip. 
On the macro level, if you take the entire campaign at its face value as a business - a job creator, even? - the Obama campaign had a higher return on investment, ran a better strategy, implemented better tools and metrics to achieve its targets, spent its money more wisely, had a more efficient staff org chart and better managers.  In the free market system, it was a strikingly successful example of entrepreneurial acumen.  Romney and Rove were beat at their own game.

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