
What a night! All of America wins...including women, LGBT, people of color, the middle class

Andrew Sullivan nails the historic significance of last nigh:
"One felt something tectonic shift tonight. America crossed the Rubicon of every citizen's access to healthcare, and re-elected a black president in a truly tough economic climate. The shift toward gay equality is now irreversible. The end of prohibition of marijuana is in sight. Women, in particular, moved this nation forward - pragmatically, provisionally, sensibly. They did so alongside the young whose dedication to voting was actually greater this time than in 2008, the Latino voters who have made the current GOP irrelevant, and African-Americans, who turned up in vast numbers, as in 2008, to put a period at the end of an important sentence. 
That sentence will never now be unwritten. By anyone."

1 comment:

  1. I was a great night indeed Joe! Especially for us LGBT families.
